When I use gnuplot 4.0 I type these commands and see a trefoil
knot (a curve in 3D)
gnuplot> set parametric
dummy variable is t for curves, u/v for surfaces
gnuplot> splot [t=0:1] (1+cos(2*3.14159*2*t)/5)*cos(2*3.14159*3*t),(1+cos(2*3.14159*2*t)/5)*sin(2*3.14159*3*t),sin(2*3.14159*2*t)/5
How can I generate this or similar plots in maxima?
There are a number of examples where 2D surfaces are
plotted in 3D, but none that I can find of a curve in
three dimensions.
I guess what I am really asking is how maxima interacts with
the 'plot' and 'splot' functions in gnuplot.
JM Rotenberry