volunteer with access to mathematica


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barton Willis" <willisb at unk.edu>
To: <maxima at math.utexas.edu>
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 12:23 AM
Subject: volunteer with access to mathematica

> I'm seeking a volunteer that has access to a recent version of
> Mathematica as well as a basic ability to use it. Specifically
> I need somebody the check to see if Mathematica can solve these two ODEs:
> 'diff(y,x,2)-(3
> *x^6+38*x^4+67*x^2+30)*y/(2*x^10+12*x^8+26*x^6+24*x^4+8*x^2);

I've tried to calculate
DSolve[y''[x] - (3*x^6 + 38*x^4 + 67*x^2 + 30)*
y[x]/(2*x^10 + 12*x^8 + 26*x^6 + 24*x^4 + 8*x^2) == 0, y, x]

Mathematica 5.0 for Windows returns it uncalculated after > 20 min (at P-IV
3GHz, 1 Gb RAM)

> 'diff(y,x,2)-(29
> *x^4-696*x^3+6228*x^2-24624*x+36300)*y/(4*(x-7)^2*(x-6)^2*(x-5)^2*(x^2-12*x+34)^2);

As for this,

DSolve[y''[x] - (29*x^4 - 696*x^3 + 6228*x^2 - 24624*x + 36300)*
y[x]/(4*(x - 7)^2*(x - 6)^2*(x - 5)^2*(x^2 - 12*x + 34)^2) == 0, y, x]

Mathematica makes a fault after ~ 10 min and Windows closes the kernel.

> I know a general solution--I'm only interested in whether
> Mathematica can do them. If it can, I have some others
> that might be more changeling to solve that I might
> ask you to try.
> Thanks,
> Barton

