proposal to cut some aliases

Most of the items on the list I never use, but I do use "prod" and
 "binom" every once in a while, and of course "diff", which is not in
 the question anyway. I suppose I can  make some aliases in the
maxima-init.mac file, thus I don't mind if some of the alieases are

* Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> [2006-07-08 10:45:40 -0600]:

> Hello,
> There are the following aliases (among others) in src/suprv1.lisp.
> I'd like to cut the ones marked by (-) in this list.
> If I don't hear objections I'll go ahead and cut them.
> (-) ratcoeff = ratcoef
> (-) ratnum = ratnumer
> (+) true = ?t
> (-) binom = 'binomial
> (+) derivative = diff
> (-) prod = product
> (-) bothcoeff = bothcoef
> All of these marked (-) play no computational role.
> (true = ?t and derivative = diff are well-embedded in the code.)
> None of these, (-) and (+) alike, are documented, aside from
> a few oblique references; true = ?t and derivative = diff
> probably should be documented. (true = ?t might be, already.)
> I don't see a motivation for the (-) items except convenience
> (ratnum = ratnumer, binom = 'binomial, prod = product)
> or to compensate for an easily-mistaken name
> (ratcoeff = ratcoef, bothcoeff = bothcoef).
> This proposal is inspired by bug report # 770258.
> Comments?
> Robert
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