omplotdata merged into xmaxima

On Sun, 2006-07-09 at 11:11 +0300, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
> Maybe it is good idea to rename this file to .xmaximarc on
> UNIX?  For Windows xmaxima.ini seems to be OK at first but
> in fact extension .ini is misleading here too since
> structure of this file has nothing to do with standard
> Windows's ini files.  So maybe the name .xmaximarc will
> do on both platforms.

OK, I will change the name of that file. By the way, the init
file was not really working because it was being saved as
netmath.ini and read as xmaxima.ini at start up.
I also changed the handling of that file to something
that I find more convenient: when xmaxima is closed, the
init file is saved silently, with the current configuration.
That way, when xmaxima is started it will keep the same
configuration that it had in the last session.

P.S. I'll be out of town (Caceres, Spain) this week, but when
I return I will have a big bunch of changes to xmaxima to