Ask for the syntax of representing operators in Common-Lisp

On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 08:05:44PM -0500, Barton Willis wrote:
> Place your code in a file and use the function 'translate_file.'
> Barton

I found this when I went digging after sending the previous
email. However I noticed that the code produced does not correspond to
regular lisp code. 

It seems that translate and translate_file are intended to take maxima
code and produce lisp code that is equivalent to the maxima code. What
I was hoping for was something closer to what the "fortran" function
does. Consider a maxima expression as a mathematical expression and
convert it to the straightforward common lisp expression.

It's sort of funny that maxima can do this for fortran, but apparently
not for lisp...


common_lisp((a*x^2+b*x+c)/(1+sin(x))) =>
(lambda (a b c x) (/ (+ (* a  (expt x 2)) (* b x) c) (+ 1 (sin x))))

Having this kind of functionality would be a big help to those trying
to use maxima to get analytical results for use in numerical lisp