Ask for the syntax of representing operators in Common-Lisp
Subject: Ask for the syntax of representing operators in Common-Lisp
From: Daniel Lakeland
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 12:14:00 -0700
On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 07:50:12AM -0700, Richard Fateman wrote:
> Converting code that has "binomial" in it to fortran isn't going to work
> either, so by my previous statement it must be that the fortran() command is
> just a hack. Yep.
Yes. it's the hack that I was thinking of not some kind of
sophisticated maxima to common lisp compiler. Basically I consider
maxima to be a useful system for manipulating algebraic expressions,
but when it comes to doing numerical computations sometimes it's nice
to have very fast simple floating point code.
I'm afraid I don't have the killer app for maxima in the sense of
writing software where maxima automatically does things. But one
extremely useful application for maxima is as an interactive aid to an
already overloaded programmer. If it can crank through the derivation
of an expression and then output common lisp code that implements that
expression using +,-,*,/,^,sqrt,exp and soforth it would be extremely
Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at