First, context, since most people don't even know what top-posting is,
even though they do it all the time:
With fear of sounding a little fanatical, could I please urge people
to consider not top-posting and to reply inline instead (a.k.a.
"trim-posting"?) I know that top-posting is very easy to do, and lots
of software nowadays makes it almost impossible to not top-post unless
you go out of your way to trim-post, but when browsing the mailing
list archives, it does make it just slightly uncomfortable, methinks,
to read top-posted replies.
The archives! Consider the archives!
I know some people really defend top-posting, but most don't even know
what it is, nor why some of us might not like it. If you do top-post,
I'd like to believe that at least it's a conscious decision of yours
that you have carefully considered, and not something that is done
just out of inertia and because everyone else does it too.
And by the way, none of this is a big deal. I doubt anyone will alter
their posting habits because of what I said here, and that's all
right. I don't want to start a flame war. Honestly, I don't. If you
keep top-posting, that's fine, and I can live with it, and you don't
need to explain yourself to me, but if you really want to impress me
(heh, would anyone want to impress me?), trim-post your replies,
please. :-)
- Jordi G. H.