cl-info revision

-----Original Message-----
From: maxima-admin at [mailto:maxima-admin at] On
Behalf Of Vadim V. Zhytnikov

(regarding Help system on windows ans wxmaxima).

[Vadim:] We already have this.  HTML produced from Maxima's texinfo
is one of well adopted documentation formats on Windows.
Please take a look at the help system of wxMaxima - it has
anything any Windows user may wish.  The only one step
further is to convert plain HTML to more conveniet
so called "compressed html" .chm.

[RJF] This is not quite what  I was looking for.  I think that
describe(integrate); should open a window like the help system, not display
text inline in the command/output window of maxima.

Or do what Mathematica does, which provides a line or two and --more--  and
if you click on --more--, then the help window opens up.