allegro CL version 8.0 in windows.

I got stuff loaded and sort of running by using allegro in "ansi standard"
uppercase mode, but some functionality is not right. For example, 


(%i12) load("c:/lisp/randomp.fasl");

argument value `false' to append was not a list

 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try debugmode(true);

Error: Attempt to throw to the non-existent tag MACSYMA-QUIT

  [condition type: CONTROL-ERROR]


.. Here I typed  (continue)   to get back to maxima.



(%i13) describe(load);

Error: Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable


  [condition type: UNBOUND-VARIABLE]


Stuff like plot2d presumably won't work if it requires gplot.


If all the kinks are ironed out, I think I can post a maxima "dxl"  for
Windows, which could be used by a (free) allegro CL version. Though getting
all the tendrils attached to various directories and such may need some
individual attention.