Jordan form

I'm craving a function to put matrices into the Jordan canonical form,
but I can't find it in the documentation.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, and I'll eat a bug, but given
eigenvectors and eigenvalues (say, with the eivects command), then
finding the Jordan form is relatively simple; just need to solve a few
extra inhomogenous linear system in order to obtain radical vectors
(a.k.a. generalised eigenvectors; "radical vector" is one of those
Russian terms I truly prefer over its western equivalent). If you
store an LU factorisation of the A - lambda*I matrix (which I'm not
sure is desirable for symbolic computations), solving the inhomogenous
systems is a snap, though you may need to add a few orthogonality
relations. I very verbosely and opinionatedly described such a
procedure here:

I was reading the source code for the Maple routine for finding the
Jordan form, and they follow a different procedure, based on the
Frobenius normal form (rational canonical form). I know that the
procedure I described in the link for finding Jordan forms is woefully
inefficient, or at least the step for finding the eigenvalues is, but
I think that it's easy to extend the eivects procedure in order to get
radical vectors. I could code it myself in the Maxima language. I'm
still trying to learn lisp and would be unable to do it in this

Ideas, thoughts, suggestions? Better ways to incorporate a Jordan form

- Jordi G. H.