About 'update_examples'


> Please, take a look at the examples in the descriptions of functions
> 'ceiling' and 'floor'; in particular what he gets in inputs (%i7) in
> both cases; the script 'update_examples' doesn't work as expected here.

It looks like update_examples is OK. The problem is that the
unitfrace function had a trailing space on the final line "reverse(uf)); "
and that confused Maxima such that no %i2 line was output,
so update_examples could not see how to assemble its output.

I've seen other examples in which trailing spaces confuse Maxima.
GCL, SBCL, and Clisp are all susceptible. I don't remember for sure
if this problem is in the bug database. It looks like only spaces
after ; cause trouble.

I've committed a new revision of Operators.texi. There are a few
other examples in which there are trailing spaces. I'll clean them
up and commit those too.
