SCL / Allegro patches applied


I've applied the patches which you sent me, which are
described in the PS. I also applied the patch to change
favrite --> favorite and the bigprimes patch, which you
posted to the mailing list.

I made 2 changes to the patches listed below.
(1) I cut out the stuff to modify files in maxima/archive/.
    I don't think there's any reason to attempt to patch them.
    I would rather that they remain in their present state
    rather than accumulating untested and untestable changes.
(2) I took the liberty of changing the name of the mstr macro
    to make-mstring.

With the patches applied, I find that SBCL, Clisp, & GCL
build successfully (all on Linux),
and run_testsuite reports no unexpected errors.

That's good news, but I'm pretty sure the test suite does
not exercise all of the changes, which affect things like
the case of displayed text. So we'll have to keep
our eyes open for problems.

Thanks for your contribution to Maxima,
Robert Dodier

---------------------- begin quoted message ----------------------
patch1: Source downcasing.  Reworking of package and symbol name case usage
to support non-standard lower case CL variants.  These changes are all trivial
and do not affect standard uppercase CL code so please consider committing

patch1a: As above but for source code that has been moved to the archive.

patch2: Support for the Scieneer CL lower case mode and the Allegro CL modern
mode.  These patches are all conditional on the :scl and :allegro features.

patch3: Introduce a new macro 'mstr and use it when creating a Maxima string.
This macro takes care of case flipping for the standard uppercase CL convention,
and for lower case CL variants the case flipping is avoided.  This may be more
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