simplification based on assumptions

On 01/08/06, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> On 8/1/06, none none <lots.of.mailing.lists at> wrote:
> > I was just hoping I could get away with using maxima instead of paying
> > for mathematica... guess not.
> You might see what MuPad can do for you. I tried the trial version
> a while ago and it seemed pretty capable. If you buy something,
> let us know what conclusion you come to.
> Robert Dodier

Thanks for the pointer, I just installed an old free version of
mupad(2.5) and it seems to do the simplification i want even if the
interface is quite clunky. I've already tried mathematica so I know
that it does what I want. Hopefully my uni will be able to get me
cheap educational copy of mathematica but I'll keep an eye out on