orthopoly/specfun, was: Maxima 5.10 release candidate 1
Subject: orthopoly/specfun, was: Maxima 5.10 release candidate 1
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 18:01:21 -0600
On 8/2/06, sen1 at math.msu.edu <sen1 at math.msu.edu> wrote:
> I downloaded the source maxima-5.9.3.tar.gz.
> I had
> load("specfun");
> in my .maxima-init file. Of course, it dumped me out, so I thought the
> new version was buggy and went back to the old one.
The tar.gz file has the source code in it, so by itself it doesn't
yield an installed Maxima; it can be compiled if you have a Lisp
development environment set up. Maybe that's the case.
Aside from installing a new version of Maxima, maybe all you need
to do is put load(orthopoly) in your .maxima-init file instead of
load(specfun) .
Not sure where to go from here.
> I agree that some placeholder would be good.
I'll try to figure out something. I'm sure we'll do something like
that again so it would be good to have some kind of policy.