plotting programming

sen1 at wrote:

> Hi,
>  I noticed that at least some of the plotting routines are written in
>  tcl.
> These days, is that the best choice?
> Would it be better to take something like "python," and try to write
> scripts (say, incorporating matplotlib or some such thing), for new
> plotting programs?

Indeed, this is what SAGE does (, which includes
maxima and matplotlib. For example, to plot the
inverse Jacobi function sn^(-1), type

sage: ijsn = lambda x: inverse_jacobi("sn",x,1/2)
sage: P= plot(ijsn,0,1)

Now to view this, just type show(P). Further 

Maybe I'm not understanding things right but it seems your suggestion to
use matplotlib would force maxima to distribute python. Is that part of 

> It seems to me that there is much more current activity in developing
> graphing capabilities, e.g. 3d,  in the python community.
> Perhaps a good solution would be to open up a plot window which one
> could interact with to read data from maxima and use whatever external
> plotting program one wished.
> Any opinions, comments, suggestions would be appreciated.
> -sen