Maxima 5.10 release candidate 1

> From: Andrej Vodopivec
> > > You need to use the cvs version of wxmaxima if you want 
> it to use the
> > > docs installed by maxima. I can provide binaries if you 
> want to test
> > > it. I will release a new version of wxmaxima around the 
> time maxima
> > > 5.10 is released.
> >
> > Can you make a new version of wxmaxima before the 5.10 release?
> > The reason I ask is that there have been quite a few changes to the
> > documentation and I would really like for users to see the 
> most recent version.
> wxmaxima up to version 0.6.5 installed a private copy of
> documentation, but the next version will use the documentation
> distributed with maxima. This required some changes to documentation
> distributed with maxima, so wxmaxima 0.6.6 will require maxima 5.10
> for documentation to work. I think it is best to wait untill at least
> a release candidate for maxima 5.10 is released and then I will
> release a new version of wxmaxima.
> Andrej

Thanks Andrej,

As you probably Vadim know, used CVS wxMaxima to build the windows installer
of maxima 5.10 rc1.  I was trying to duplicate his work, but used a wxmaxima 0.6.5
windows binary.

I'm happy to wait the next release of wxMaxima, or to try a build from CVS.  
I was just checking to see if I still had the tools and capability to build a 
maxima release on windows.


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