aspect ratios

I just saw the recent email from Robert Dodier which seems to answer
questions I've been asking about aspect ratios and being able to control
them. In it the following code is given:
set_plot_option ([gnuplot_preamble, "set size ratio -1"]);
this definitely changes the ration of the axes in both 2d and 3d plots
so that for example a sphere looks like a sphere.
However, I'm not at all clear about why you used -1. A 1 seems to do the
same thing. 
I fooled around a bit with different values and bigger values make the y
axis units bigger than the x axis but it's not clear exactly what's
going on so that it is hard to get precise control. For example using 1
or -1 doesn't seem to give a 1 to 1 ratio as one might expect.
I tried to find documentation for "set size ratio n" but could not find
any by searching the manual.
Can anyone explain in detail how this option works? Or tell me where
there is some documentation?
John Guenther