For example,
(defmfun zerop1 (a) (if (numberp a) (zerop a) (alike1 a bigfloatzero)))
on line 199
(defmfun onep1 (a) (or (and (numberp a) (= a 1)) (equal a bigfloatone)))
on line 311
and many other places where a comparison to bigfloatone occurs.
but bigfloat ones will look like this: in
default bigfloat fpprec:
((BIGFLOAT SIMP 56) 36028797018963968 1)
but fpprec:32 makes bigfloat one look like:
((BIGFLOAT SIMP 109) 324518553658426726783156020576256 1)
one thought is to use this to test for bigfloat zero also
(defun mzerop(z)
(and (mnump z)
(or (and (numberp z)(= z 0))
(and (bigfloatp z)(= (cadr z) 0))))) ;bigfloat zeros may be diff
alternatively, alike1 would be
ok for zeros, since they will always look like ((bigfloat simp <precision>)
0 0),
and I think that alike1 doesn't check cdars. But testing for bigfloatone is
not so easy unless the precisions are identical.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: maxima-admin at
> [mailto:maxima-admin at] On Behalf Of Raymond Toy
> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 7:23 AM
> To: Richard Fateman
> Cc: 'Maxima'
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] testing bigfloat constants incorrectly
> >>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <fateman at> writes:
> Richard> I've notice a bunch of places in simp.lisp where
> there are tests to see if a
> Richard> number k is zero or one, and someone added an
> extra consideration, namely,
> Richard> is k equal to bigfloatzero or bigfloatone.
> Should all of them be changed?
> Richard> If these tests were important, there are tests
> for these conditions (see the
> Richard> bfloat defs), which could be used which are not
> especially slower than
> Richard> equal.
> Which bfloat defs are you talking about here? Can you point
> out what function tests for a bigfloat zero/one?
> Ray
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