Re: [Maxima-lang-fr] calcul des zeros de bessel sphérique et de sa dérivée...

I'm forwarding the message below which appeared on the French Maxima
mailing list.

Fred asks how to calculate the zeros of the spherical Bessel function of order n
and its derivative, or to be exact, (r Jn(r))' .

I looked at the functions in the orthopoly package but I didn't see anything
directly applicable. I guess it's possible to approximate the zeros numerically
but surely there is a formula somewhere. Maybe Abramowitz & Stegun is
a place to look.

Fred, sorry I can't be more helpful.

Robert Dodier

On 8/9/06, fred <fredantispam at> wrote:
> Bonjour,
> Comment calculer les z?ros de la fonction de Bessel sph?rique d'ordre n
> (d?finie dans specfun) ainsi que ceux de sa d?riv?e (ou plus exactement,
> de (rJn(r))') ?
> Y a t'il un algo particulier pour les fonctions de Bessel, ou bien ?
> Merci d'avance.
> --
> Fred.