WIRIS front end for interactive math/symbolics/education

I got a note on the "openmath" mailing list drawing my attention to

which might be of interest to people looking at GUI for math.

an excert from the message is included below..


I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ramon Eixarch from Maths for
More, a company offering solutions for mathematics e-learning.
(www.wiris.com <http://www.wiris.com/>; )


As some of you may already know we have developed an OpenMath WYSIWYG
editor. The editor is extensible, supporting OpenMath extensibility, and
highly configurable. You can read more details in the communication
presented at MathUI workshop, at MKM conference (check
http://www.activemath.org/~paul/MathUI06/proceedings/wirisOM.html ). 

An online demonstration version is available at