User-level namespace system for Maxima

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <fateman at> writes:

    Richard> I thought we would need to separate the maxima-user-package  (or
    Richard> namespace) from anything the common lisp systems might implement, and
    Richard> so we would pre-pend maxima-user:: to anything from the top-level.

Good point.  If a user defines foo at search, and imports the namespace,
I think it will collide with cl:search, because the maxima package
:uses the CL package.  Unless the implementation keeps the $ in front
of all symbols.

Don't know if that's how Robert has implemented his proposal. but that
will might have to be resolved somehow.

Having a CL maxima-user package might resolve it, if importing a
maxima namespace makes it go to the CL maxima-user package, and not the
maxima package.  I think the maxima-user package would only :use the
maxima package, so we won't collide with the CL package.

    Richard> I think "relative packages" is the correct term for Allegro as well.

And relative package names would resolve this nicely, I think. :-)
