[Maxima-lang-fr] calcul des zeros de bessel sphérique et de sa dérivée...

Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS) a ?crit :

> I am fairly sure that there is no analytic solution. 
I agree.
This was not my question ;-)
It was about numerical solution.

The fact is there is some algorithm for first kind Bessel function.
I wanted to know if such algo exists for spherical Bessel.
So my question to maxima mailing-list.
But I did not find it.

I have finally found a solution to find out all zeros for spherical
Bessel Jn and (rJn)' ,
with a recursive method, knowing that zeros of Jn are interlaced with
zeros of Jn-1 (from A&S).

PS : I did it in python with scipy module.

