roots of cubics?

On my last post, I guess the real question for me is

why did realroots report rational roots if the roots are only accurate
to a certain amount?

Is there a predicate which would allow showing rational roots only if
they really are rational?


On Fri, 25 Aug 2006, sen1 at wrote:

> Hello,
> All of this is with maxima 5.9.3.
>   Following the discussion about eigenvalues of cubic polynomials, I
>   started experimenting with the characteristic polynomial of the
>   matrix
>   A: matrix([0,3,2],[3,0,1],[2,1,0]);
> The polynomial is p(z) = -z^3 + 14*z + 12
> As one might expect, its roots obtained by solve are somewhat of a
> mess.
> However,  realroots produces 3 rational roots.
> (%i37) p(z):= -z^3 + 14*z + 12;
>                                       3
> (%o37)                     p(z) := - z  + 14 z + 12
> (%i38) realroots(p(z));
>                       107438331        30574087      138012419
> (%o38)         [z = - ---------, z = - --------, z = ---------]
>                       33554432         33554432      33554432
> The denominator is 2^25.
> That doesn't seem too large for CAS (or am I simply wrong here).
> Call the roots $z_1, z_2, z_3$.
> But,
> %i41) p(part(%o38,1,2));
>                                 366670081845891
> (%o41)                      -----------------------
>                             37778931862957161709568
> (%i42) float(%);
> (%o42)                       9.705676252996893E-9
> So, trying to verify that the rational $z_1$ was a root is only
> accurate to about 10^(-8).
> Is this kind of thing to be expected?
> I was surprised that "realroots" produced rational solutions in the
> first place, but, given that, I thought I'd be in the realm of
> rational arithmetic.
> In double precision floating point arithmetic, I know one expects
> accuracy to something like 16 decimal places.
> What is number of digits to reasonably expect in rational arithmetic?
> Is there a setting like fpprec for rational arithmetic?
> -sen

  | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at           |
  | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
  | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |