Misc. re: 2.6.7

Greetings, and thank you so much for your very valuable reports in
email and on the web!  Please excuse the sluggishness of my reply
mechanism :-).

si::newline is a funtion which currently appears unused in the
debugging code.  Several functions in this file appear to have been in
progress when some interruption intervened, possibly the death of
Dr. Schelter.

I believe the whitespace issue is resolved in 2.6.8pre.  Please test
if you have a moment.

export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sv.gnu.org:/sources/gcl
cvs -z9 -q co -d gcl-2.6.8pre -r Version_2_6_8pre gcl

Please note that the Debian package of 2.6.7 (currently 2.6.7-18) is a
2.6.8pre cvs snapshot for autobuilder testing purposes. 

The large number segfault issue has also been resolved in 2.6.8pre,
though the division takes essentially forever.  In 2.7.0, we use gmp's
gcd for bignums, so your example finishes in seconds.  Given the time
2.7.0 is taking, perhaps it is worth migrating this one feature back
into 2.6.8.  Comments most welcome.  I know that the axiom people had
patches contributed doing essentially the same thing in the past.
There are many other gmp enhancements in 2.7, but I don't have time to
maintain two branches in this manner.

Regarding the windows gazonk files issue, as I do not have access to
such a machine, could one please check the variable
compiler::*keep-gaz*?  These files are supposed to be deleted
automatically unless this is set.  When using the
--enable-gcl-alt-link mechanism in maxima, this is (should be)
temporarily set to capture certain automatically compiled objects
in maxima, but it should not be left on in the final image.

The *read-base* error I've just fixed in 2.6.8pre by backporting a
function from cvs head.  In general, if you are in the mood, testing
with cvs head might be useful, though be warned much has changed and
is changing.

Are these all of our issues outstanding?  Someday, I'll figure out how
I can control that silly website from emacs, but for now I'll get to
closing those items soon.  If you feel in the mood and agree with the
expalnations here, please feel free to do so yourself.

Take care,

Camm Maguire			     			camm at enhanced.com
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah