Serious bug

  I have not migrated to the "bug reporting list" yet.  If this is more
  appropriately put there, I'll be happy to do that.

In Win-XP xmaxima

(%i1) 5.1 + 3.2;
(%o1)		       8.300000000000001
(%i2) fpprec: 30;
(%o2)				      30
(%i3) 5.1 + 3.2;
(%o3)		       8.300000000000001

I checked this in v. 5.9.3 and the same problem occurs, except that
the last digit when done in hihg precision is a "?"
  I did the same test in Linux and the problem is NOT there.  The
  result is 8.3 as it should be.

I think others should try this to see if it occurs on their systems.

I tried this on two different Win-XP machines, so it is not likely to
ba a hardware problem.

I hope others try this to verify whether these are problems with my
installation of they exist everywhere.


  | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at           |
  | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
  | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |