redefining WHILE in orthopoly

>>>>> "sen1" == sen1  <sen1 at> writes:

    sen1> In 5.9.3, I noticed the following warnings
    sen1> WARNING: DEFUN/DEFMACRO: redefining macro WHILE in
    sen1>           /usr/local/share/maxima/5.9.3/share/orthopoly/orthopoly.lisp,
    sen1>           was
    sen1>           defined in
    sen1>           /usr/local/src/maxima-5.9.3/src/binary-clisp/nset.fas

Thanks.  Since nset is always compiled into maxima, there's no reason
to define it again in orthopoly.lisp.  

It should be removed from orthopoly.lisp.
