experimental meqp

On 8/27/06, Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> wrote:
> ...I wrote a new version of meqp.


> (%i10) a[1]:1
> (%i11) b[1]:1
> (%i12) is(equal(a,b))

Is this carried through consistently with other kinds of arrays?
What if a has a value as well as an array-value, e.g.
    q:q[1]:r[1]:1$ is(equal(q,r));

The lambda-trick is cute.  Even cuter if we could generalize it for
all bound variables.  Cuter still if all bound variables used a
consistent framework, e.g. internally

        sum(f(i),i,a,b) == ApplyOp("+",lambda([i],f(i)),Integers(a,b))
        integrate(f(i),i,a,b) == ApplyOp(integral,lambda(...),Interval(a,b))


(I will leave the unification of discrete sum and integral to others...)
