experimental meqp

maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote on 08/28/2006 11:58:23 AM:

> On 8/28/06, Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> wrote:
> > >     q:q[1]:r[1]:1$ is(equal(q,r));
> >
> > By the time meqp receives its arguments, q has already
> > been evaluated to 1. So 'is(equal(q,r))' evaluates to false.
> Sorry, I meant is(equal('q,'r)).

The first thing my code does is check to see if either argument is in 
$arrays. When that is the case, it decides if the arguments are the
equal as arrays. Thus:

(%i12) is(equal('q,'r));
(%o12) false

This choice wasn't done by design. Do you have something else in mind?
