changing floating point number input.. (was realroots...)
Subject: changing floating point number input.. (was realroots...)
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 07:40:51 -0700
I like this. There is a problem that I encountered doing something similar
with Allegro CL. Namely the integer-decode-float program failed on a NaN --
I reported it as a bug and was told that a NaN was not a float and they
meant to do that. So I had to write an Allegro-specific version of
integer-decode-float. It may also be necessary to do such a thing for other
One should also be able to define $float_inf to create an inf etc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: maxima-bounces at
> [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert Dodier
> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:38 PM
> To: Richard Fateman
> Cc: maxima
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] changing floating point number input..
> (was realroots...)
> Richard,
> Here's an attempt at a implementation-neutral modification of
> nformat to print nan's and inf's. Here's a sample session
> (after loading the code) using GCL:
> (%i1) obase : 16.;
> (%o1) 10
> (%i2) a : ?most\-positive\-short\-float;
> (%o2) 3.4028235S+38
> (%i3) 2 * a;
> (%o3) float_inf(1, 69, 800000)
> (%i4) -2 * a;
> (%o4) float_inf(- 1, 69, 800000)
> (%i5) 2 * a - 3 * a;
> (%o5) float_nan(- 1, 69, C00000)
> (%i6) b : ?most\-positive\-double\-float;
> (%o6) 1.7976931348623157E+308
> (%i7) 2 * b;
> (%o7) float_inf(1, 3CC, 10000000000000)
> (%i8) -2 * b;
> (%o8) float_inf(- 1, 3CC, 10000000000000)
> (%i9) 2 * b - 3 * b;
> (%o9) float_nan(- 1, 3CC, 18000000000000)
> Printing the sign, exponent, and significand makes the result
> theoretically readable ....
> Robert
> PS. Here's the code. Doubtless this can be improved.
> (defun significand-bits (x) (nth-value 0 (integer-decode-float x)))
> (defun exponent-bits (x) (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float x)))
> (defun float-special-value-p (x)
> (and (floatp x)
> (let
> ((max-exponent
> (typecase x
> (short-float (exponent-bits most-positive-short-float))
> (single-float (exponent-bits most-positive-single-float))
> (double-float (exponent-bits most-positive-double-float))
> (long-float (exponent-bits most-positive-long-float)))))
> (= (exponent-bits x) (1+ max-exponent)))))
> (defun float-inf-p (x)
> (and
> (float-special-value-p x)
> (= (significand-bits x) (lsh 1 (1- (float-digits x))))))
> (defun float-nan-p (x)
> (and
> (float-special-value-p x)
> (not (= (significand-bits x) (lsh 1 (1- (float-digits x)))))))
> (let ((save-nformat #'nformat))
> (defun nformat (x)
> (cond
> ((float-inf-p x)
> (apply save-nformat (list `(($float_inf) ,@(reverse
> (multiple-value-list (integer-decode-float x)))))))
> ((float-nan-p x)
> (apply save-nformat (list `(($float_nan) ,@(reverse
> (multiple-value-list (integer-decode-float x)))))))
> (t
> (apply save-nformat (list x))))))
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