Question regarding passing functions as arguments

Hello Ram,

> [...]
> listarray(t);
> f(x):=(x-3)*(x-6)*(x-9);
> for i:1 thru nm4 do
>  [...]

In this script you specify the function, but you
don't know how to pass the function as an argument
to a more general script.

I had the same problem, and after few experiment I
found a way that worked for me: you must pass
the expression af your function to the script, than
you have to define the function inside the script
from this expression. I mean:

compCoef(input_expression):= block (

/* now you can work with f(x) */

Then you can pass to the script expressions like
(x-3)*(x-6)*(x-9), or whatever you want.

You can write comments in the script using slash and
star, like 
/* I'm a comment */

Hope to help.
I found useful these tutorials to programming in 

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