function index in 5.10 candidate

sen1 at wrote:
> Hi,
>  Anyone else notice that the "CR" (carriage returns) are missing in
>  the function index of the manual pages in xmaxima (windows and
>  linux)? This is in
> I tried wxmaxima, and the CR's were there OK.

Hello, I noticed this problem too in Maxima 5.9.3 for Windows. The 
function and variable index list in file maxima_44.html does not display 
properly because the Xmaxima HTML browser does not implement <TABLE> 
tags. Some junk text is also displayed at the top of the document 
because Xmaxima incorrectly parses some HTML comments.

This HTML document looks slightly less bad if the following minor 
changes are made to Myhtml.tcl:

1. To display some line-breaks and tabs modify definitions of td and tr 
as follows:

defTag td -body list -after "\t\t\t\t"
defTag tr -body list -after "\n"

2. To fix the error in parsing comments add the following lines (from 
the tcllib htmlparse package) at the top of procedure xHMparse_html:

regsub -- "^.*<!DOCTYPE\[^>\]*>" $html {} html
regsub -all -- "--(\[ \t\n\]*)>" $html "\001\\1\002" html
regsub -all -- "<--(\[^\001\]*)\001(\[^\002\]*)\002" $html \
                                          {\&lt;--\1--\2\&gt;} html
regsub -all -- "<!--\[^\001\]*\001(\[^\002\]*)\002"  $html {} html

Would it be useful to implement HTML tables in Xmaxima? Currently, 
Xmaxima displays an HTML document in a single text widget. I doubt this 
  adequate to handle tables. It could be done with multiple widgets and 
a Tk geometry manager but that would need major change to the HTML 
implementation.  It would be nice to re-use an existing HTML widget such 
as tkHTML or Firefox or IE but I noticed that Xmaxima uses custom tags 
<EVAL> and <RESULT> which are ignored in other browsers. Does anyone 
have any comments or suggestions for improving Xmaxima?