Robert Dodier writes:
> I have tagged version-59399rc3 (Maxima 5.10.0 release candidate 3) in CVS.
> There are a few minor changes but the one of most interest
> is that there is a new wxMaxima version which will be bundled
> with the Windows installer. Vadim, can you create a
> Windows installer for the new release candidate?
Done. maxima- uploaded to SF.
It includes wxMaxima 0.7.0 release. As for gcl,
first I tried to build with gcl 2.6.8pre (today CVS).
Console Maxima is OK but to my surprise both xmaxima
and wxMaxima just show blank skreen. So I reverted
to gcl 2.6.7.
One small question - not all files in share/lbfgs
are packaged to rc3 tarball. Intentionally?
With best regards,
Vadim V. Zhytnikov
<vvzhy at>
<vvzhy at>