Maxima 5.10.0 release candidate 3

I'm back (from vacation and from catching up with the list)

On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 21:12 +0200, van Nek wrote: 
> 3. as reported before (I think, RJF did this) to_lisp(); doesn't work
> in Xmaxima: 
> (%i1) to_lisp(); Type (to-maxima) to restart, ($quit) to quit Maxima. 
> MAXIMA> #b1000 Maxima waits for a termination here !! 
I have just fixed it (see comments on that bug at the end) 

> 2. as reported before (rc2), in the Xmaxima the keys [page up], [end],
> etc. don't work, when the cursor is positioned in an output line  
My fault.
I'll fix that tonight. I thought it'd be a good idea to disable
editing of the output lines. In order to do that, I had to erase
all key bindings in "output" lines and redefine the keys that would
be useful: arrows, shift+arrow and ctrl+arrow. I forgot to enable
page up, page down, etc.

> and generally the function and variable index in Xmaxima doesn't look
> very nice : there is something wrong with line breaking 

as it has already been said, it is due to the lack of table support in
Xmaxima's browser. I will introduce a quick fix replacing "</tr>" by
"</tr><br>" when the browser parses its input (basically the same
solution proposed by David May). While I'm working on it, I will also
replace ./../ by ../, to fix the images in foreign-language
versions of the manual.

There are other problems related to the fact that Xmaxima's browser is
already old and incomplete: no stylesheets, no frames, etc.
I see two possible long-term solutions, already mentioned by David May
and Sheldon Newhouse.

On Thu, 2006-08-31 at 15:26 +0800, David May wrote:
> It would be nice to re-use an existing HTML widget such 
> as tkHTML or Firefox or IE but I noticed that Xmaxima uses custom
> <EVAL> and <RESULT> which are ignored in other browsers. Does anyone 
> have any comments or suggestions for improving Xmaxima? 
There are some other Tk browsers more recent/complete than tkHTML.
My favorite one is MTE (
I've been studying its code for a while and I think it would not
be too hard to incorporate it into Xmaxima for 5.9.11.

On Sun, 2006-08-27 at 13:31 -0400, sen1 at wrote:
> So, I have a suggestion to whomever is in charge of the "browser"
> package.  How about replacing the current "Help" in the tk window with
> one which opens a separate browser window which, in turn, opens the
> html manual?
That would be very easy to do and will give us the advantage of not
having to try to catch up with all HTML features. However, we'd loose
the current possibility of running Maxima code from the browser, and
parsing the result.
If we stick to Firefox, rather than allowing any html browser, we could
distribute a javascript extension to Firefox to parse the extra <eval>
and <result> tags. I do not know how much work that would require.

Finally, I'd like to answer some old messages related to Xmaxima's bugs
in release candidates 1 through 3.

On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 22:04 +0300, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
> There is no difference in xmaxima behavior on Linux and Windows.
On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 21:29 +0200, van Nek wrote:
> Thank you, Vadim, for clarifying this. There was a mail from Jaime
> which made me think 
> that this would be different in Linux and some kind of bug in Windows.

Vadim must have been talking about Linux versions previous to That bug was triggered by an incorrect handling of line
breaks in 5.9.3 and previous versions of Xmaxima. I fixed it for and it worked OK in Linux but not in Windows.
>From the problem was solved in Windows, even without
any changes to Xmaxima. The success might be related to a different
version of gcl that would lead to Maxima's output being cut into
different chunks when returned to Xmaxima.

By fixing that previous bug for (in Tkmaxima/RunMaxima.tcl)
I triggered the other bug with to_lisp(). A regular expression was
already wrong in previous Xmaxima versions, but it worked OK since
Xmaxima was taking any "new-line" character as the end of the current
command. When Xmaxima stopped assuming that a new-line character marked
the end of a command, Lisp input was no longer being sent to Maxima
untill a ";" or "$" appeared. The problem was solved by fixing
the wrong regular expression.  

On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 22:04 +0300, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
> Now let me explain what is going on here.
> Xmaxima is essentially quite simple program.
> Interacting with Maxima it acts precisely like any
> console program - as soon as you hit [Enter] the line is
> passed to maxima to maxima and can't be retrieved back
> for editing.
That is no longer true in the current version of Xmaxima.
The "green" input should not become "blue" until you enter
a ";" or "$" followed by [Enter]. While the input is
green, you can go back to previous lines and do changes.
Thus, Xmaxima is in fact a multi-line interface.

Jaime Villate