Use packages "differ" and "distrib" in 5.10.0-release candidate 3?

On 9/8/06, J. Li <lij53 at> wrote:

> As I know, "differ" is a package used for solve difference equations.
> But I can't find this package in this version:

The differ package is superseded by the solve_rec package
because differ had many bugs. See:
To solve difference equations, please use solve_rec.
? solve_rec
displays information about it.

> Also, in "distrib" package, rnormal (m,s,n) ought return a normal
> random variate N(m,s), with s>0. Calling rnormal with a third argument
> n, a random sample of size n will be simulated.

Many functions in the distrib package have been renamed to give them
more informative names. rnormal is now random_normal .
? random
shows a list of all the random number functions.
? distrib
shows information about the whole package.

Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier