Xmaxima ready for RC4

On Sat, 2006-09-09 at 20:53 -0400, sen1 at math.msu.edu wrote:
> When I want to recall some objects  and change parameters, it would be
> very convenient to be able to do
>   "C-r ws" (as in emacs)
>   (or, open a search dialong box, etc) to search for them in the
>   previously defined screens.
Yes, that would be a nice feature; I'll add it to the wishlist.

Instead of going back several screens to change a previous
input, you can rather bring back that input to the current
command line, which is something that Xmaxima already does,
in case you have not noticed:
   If you type ws in the command line and then press Alt-p,
   the last input starting with ws will reappear. Pressing
   Alt-p and Alt-n repeatedly, you can go through all the inputs
   that started with ws.

One possible extension (not too hard to do) would be to use
Alt-r to search for a substring anywhere in previous commands
(Alt-p searches only for substrings at the beginning of the

On Wed, 2006-09-06 at 12:30 -0400, sen1 at math.msu.edu wrote:
> One way to improve things is to implement various desired features in
> the xmaxima editor.  This can never satisfy all users since users will
> typically prefer different editors, key-bindings, etc.
> An alternate way would be to allow the user to specify an editor in
> the xmaxima startup file.
>    For instance, the email program "pine" has the ability to set an
>    editor in the .pinerc file. 
The situation is more complicated here. Pine just needs the name
of a file to be sent, while an interface for Maxima needs to
interpret each line as it is being typed, and send back an output
to the editor. That can be done with an extensible editor
such as Emacs (and has already been done by various projects),
but with other editors it would be harder to do.
Allowing the user to choose among several editors to replace the
Xmaxima console would be extremely complicated to implement.
