Xmaxima interface, was: Maxima 5.10.0 release candidate 3

On 9/4/06, Jaime E. Villate <villate at gnu.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 2006-08-31 at 15:26 +0800, David May wrote:
> > It would be nice to re-use an existing HTML widget such
> > as tkHTML or Firefox or IE but I noticed that Xmaxima uses custom
> tags
> > <EVAL> and <RESULT> which are ignored in other browsers. Does anyone
> > have any comments or suggestions for improving Xmaxima?
> There are some other Tk browsers more recent/complete than tkHTML.
> My favorite one is MTE (http://wiki.tcl.tk/15025)
> I've been studying its code for a while and I think it would not
> be too hard to incorporate it into Xmaxima for 5.9.11.

> If we stick to Firefox, rather than allowing any html browser, we could
> distribute a javascript extension to Firefox to parse the extra <eval>
> and <result> tags. I do not know how much work that would require.

All of this sounds interesting. If you have the time to investigate
further, I would be interested to know what you find out.

I believe what would be of greatest interest in Xmaxima is
to improve the worksheet interface (in which text and Maxima
stuff is mixed). I know TeXmacs does that also, but it has its
own problems, so I think the question is still open.

If nothing else, it would be really nice if Xmaxima could save
the current worksheet (including the markup tags) to a file.
There is a "Save to file" menu option but it only saves the
rendered text.

All the best,