Re .mac ? why

Hi Robert,

On Mon, 2006-09-18 at 10:06 +1200, Robert Willam Grieve wrote:
> As far as xmaxima goes, this may be off-topic.
> Does anyone know how the sort of spiffy presentation achieved in the
> maxima 
> primer that ships with xmaxima can be duplicated? 

You have to write an HTML page and wherever you want to insert
a Maxima command so the reader can click on it, use the "eval" tag.
For instance, the equivalent of "(%i1) 3 + 4;" would be in the
html page:
  <eval program="maxima" doinsert="1">3 + 4</eval>

while the tag equivalent to "(%i2) 3 + 4$ would be
  <eval program="maxima" doinsert="0">3 + 4</eval>

(notice the use of attribute doinsert. Writing the ; or $ inside the
<eval> tag makes no difference).

> [ I'm wondering if it might be able to be tweacked into something like
> a 
> Mathematica workbook. ]

Sort of. As an example, use Xmaxima's browser to look at the slides 
for one of my lectures:

unfortunately, the current version of Xmaxima does not allow you
to look at the source code. You will have to open the same page
with a regular web browser to see its HTML source.
(The real source in this case is actually )

Other possibility for the "program" attribute of the eval tag is
"openplot", which will allow you to access Xmaxima's features not
accessible from Maxima. For example, look at:

as you can see, there is still a lot of work to be done of
documenting, extending and bug-fixing Xmaxima; we're working on
it. Perhaps you might interest your colleagues into learning
Tcl/Tk to help us :)

> Southern Institute of Technology
Just for curiosity (my sister leaves in New Zealand); where in
New Zealand is your Institute?
