
On 9/18/06, Mario Rodriguez <biomates at> wrote:

> myscene: scene(
>            point(1, 3,
>                  colorpoint=blue,
>                  stylepoint=square),
>            point(-1, -5,
>                  colorpoint=[23,54,255],
>                  sizepoint=0.02),
>            arrow(1, 3, -1, -5,
>                  colorarrow=black),
>            label("An arrow with two points", 0, 4,
>                  positionlabel=center,
>                  fontlabel=courier,
>                  colorlabel=[34,0,123]) )   $
> plot(myscene, with=gnuplot) $

That makes perfect sense to me. It would be terrific to have this capability.

Of course, in addition to bit-by-bit stuff as shown above,
we would have some objects which represent large, detailed
graphics such as function plots, scatterplots, histograms, etc.
