I have attached a patch for plot.lisp which changes the gnuplot driver
so that the communication with gnuplot is done using pipes. The user
can send commands to gnuplot using gp_replot.
Example on linux:
(%i1) plot3d(x^2-y^2, [x,-1,1], [y,-1,1])$
gnuplot is opened and you can use the mouse to rotate the plot
(%i2) gp_replot("unset surf; set pm3d");
the plot is updated with new settings.
I have tested it with cmucl, clisp and sbcl on linux. It works
partially on windows. I could use some help from somebody who knows
about gcl and pipes on windows.
Please send me you comments about the patch. I think it would improve
plotting with gnuplot on linux.
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