announcement: Maxima 5.10.0 release

On Sat, Sep 23, 2006 at 10:42:36AM -0600, Robert Dodier wrote:
> Announcing Maxima 5.10.0. Please forward this message as you see fit.
> The Maxima project welcomes new participants. You can contribute
> in several ways: reporting bugs, fixing bugs, writing new add-on
> packages, revising core functions, user interfaces, documentation, ....
> Why not see what's happening on the mailing list and consider how
> you might contribute to the project.
ok here I am.

I've already translated wxmaxima into italian.

Now is time of the manual. I've contacted a high school professor that has
the intention of make her students translate the entire manual in italian
(with some error checking and help) and use this job as a lesson/test for
this year school program. I'll do the glue that will apply 
the translations to the source code and create the patches (and commit those
patches to cvs, if you like to let me do it by myself).
I've contacted a university professor for the math consulting.

Now I would like to know the procedure to start this job.
In particular:

- in witch format are the help source texts (docbook, latex, ...)
- witch instrument do you suggest (I already use emacs for everyday use..)
  for writing
- witch tools do I need to compile the help file(s)

Many thanks in advance.


Marco Ciampa

| Linux User  #78271 |
| FSFE fellow   #364 |