Which platforms are being used for Maxima?

> There is a way to dump out the entire bug db as an xml file.
> IIRC that action can only be carried out by a project administrator.
> If you are interested to analyze the bug db, let me know and I'll dump
> it for you.

Well, I was merely playing around a bit. But if there is some general
interest in such numbers and if it helps motivating people to actually
fix some of those bugs, I sure would have a look at it.

A small comment on the ideas for less biased data: I think it should be
opt-in not opt-out. Some distributions, like debian, most likely would
disable such a feature anyway if it was opt-out. Also some people might
have privacy concerns.

Perhaps it would be nice to have a low traffic newletter to reach
Maxima's users. One could also ask some questions in the registration
form. Of couse such a newsletter should be mentioned prominently in
the docs and/or the startup banner. But I'm not the one to implement
any of that in the near future.
