Hi, I posted this question in the comp.sci.symbolic newsgroup from a
friend account and was redirected here.
I need from DrScheme to ask Maxima (MacOS-X) to compute - say - a
series or an integral. I would like to :
i) produce in Scheme the lisp internal coding of my expression, say
(/ x (+ (* x x) 1)) in the Maxima Lisp internal format ((MQUOTIENT)
$X ((MPLUS) ((MTIMES) $X $X) 1)) ? I can do that if I know precisely
this format. Rational functions and sin, cos will be enough.
ii) send this Maxima Lisp datum to a maxima startup file (is there
one ??)
iii) to use from Scheme a system call to the Unix command line:
(system "maxima")
which launches Maxima, which reads the startup file, computes
AND send the result in Lisp format in a text file maxima.out !
iv) read from Scheme the Lisp result in the file and translate it in
I must confess that the complexity of Maxima hurts me, and I don't
plan now to use Maxima for more than this. I know how to do that in
Maple (not free, and even if i must parse, alas) but Maxima
information seems to be burried deep...
Help needed mainly for points ii) and iii).
Moreover, to train myself to Lisp internal format, how can i see the
internal format of Maxima expression like (x^2-3)/x, like the
FullForm of Mathematica for example, at the toplevel ?
Thanks for all,