Plotting Inequalities

Try something like this; it plots regions y>=-x+1 and y<=x^2+1 together

plot2d([x^2+1, -x+10, x^2+1, -x+10], [x,0,5],
            ["with filledcurve x1",
             "with filledcurve y2=30",
             "with line",
             "with line"]]) $

With a little more hack, it could look nicer. For more information about
'filledcurve', see the gnuplot manual.


El vie, 06-10-2006 a las 00:19 -0500, Joseph Young escribi?:
>  	How do you plot the feasible region of simple inequalities such as 
> y>=x^2?  It would also be nice to plot the intersection of several such 
> regions as well as each region in a different color so that the 
> intersection can be seen graphically.
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