problem with recursive functions (erratum)

On 10/9/06, Norbert Vegh <jack at> wrote:
> Thanks for your help, that is what I was looking for. I did not know that
> the
> f(d,x) syntax would work with recursive definitions. I found the maxima
> documentation a bit tricky.
> In my case however the f[d] form with 'subst' is better. I have to work
> with
> high dimensional matrices, it is a big gain to have it calculated only
> once.

I don't know what calculation exactly you are performing, so I can't give
detailed advice.  Constructing the lambda-expressions is probably *not* the
most efficient way to do anything.  More likely to help would be using the
memo'izing recursive form f[d,x]:=...

Maybe you could tell us more about your real problem and we can help there.
