TeXmacs and maxima-5.10.0


van Nek schrieb:
 > a little note about TeXmacs and maxima-5.10.0 on Windows and a 
general thought :
 > I have just merged the two files from Andrey, both unchanged.
 > 1. tm_maxima I put into \plugins\maxima\bin
 > 2. texmacs-maxima-5.10.0.lisp I put into \plugins\maxima\lisp
 > in addition I did:
 > 3. in plugins\maxima\progs there is a file init-maxima.scm
 > I made sure, there is a line
 >   (:launch "maxima.bat -p 
 > maxima-5.10.0.lisp")
 > in it
 > 4. in \plugins there is a file pluginpaths.txt
 > Here I had to put in the path to \Maxima-5.10.0\bin
 > ( Remark: I can't remember, I believe this file is created when 
installing WinTeXmacs.
 > I found all CAS-paths on my computer in there. )
 > After step 4 everything seems to work fine.

I just installed Maxima 5.10.0b and WinTeXmacs 1.0.5 under Win2000 and
did the 4 steps described above.
When I try to open a Maxima session in WinTeXmacs, I get the error

     Maxima encountered a Lisp error:


     \ Error in CONDITIONS::CLCS-LOAD [or a callee]: The variable
     \<less\>!DOCTYPE is unbound.


     Automatically continuing.

     To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

     Error in CONDITIONS::CLCS-LOAD [or a callee]: The tag
     RETURN-FROM-DEBUGGER is undefined.


     Fast links are on: do (use-fast-links nil) for debugging


     \ 1 (Continue) Retry loading file

     \ 2 (Abort) Return to top level.

What is wrong? May it be due to the fact that I did not install Maxima
in the default path?

Thanks and kind regards
