(no subject)


> How to evaluate numerically an expression containing the
> constant %e inside a list :
> a:[ [sin(0),exp(0)] , [sin(1),exp(1)]] ;    ev(a,numer);
> does compute sin(1), but not exp(1).

I think you want to set the global variable %enumer:true here.

  %enumer : true;
  a:[ [sin(0),exp(0)] , [sin(1),exp(1)]] ;
  ev (a, numer);
    => [[0, 1], [.8414709848078965, 2.718281828459045]]

float also works here, but you would have to apply it every
time you want %e to evaluate to a number.

Maxima treats exponentials differently from other functions such
as trigonometric functions; this is a bug, in my opinion.

Hope this helps
Robert Dodier