On 10/31/06, David Joyner <wdjoyner at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wonder if anyone has run into the problem where maxima
> creates a lisp.run process which doesn't die. If so, how was
> it dealt with? Maxima is included in SAGE (sage.scipy.org)
> and often lisp.run zombies are left after exiting.
What does ps show for the lisp.run process? Is it marked Z (zombie)
or R or something else? (Do you just mean the lisp.run process
has outlived its parent or do you mean it is a zombie in the special
Unix meaning of the term?) Are you running on Windows or Unix?
If the process is still running, my first guess is that end-of-file
was not detected on Maxima's input socket, either because the
socket is in fact still open somehow, or it was closed and
Maxima failed to notice it. What is the Lisp implementation?
Sorry I can't be more helpful,
PS. I did a bit of a double-take when I saw the subject line.
At first I read "Lisp. Run, zombies!" All that Halloween stuff, you know.