In the gcl I am using, I get
>(sin (* 7.25 pi))
this is with gcl-2.6.7-6.fc4
Even in maxima, I get
(%i1) to_lisp();
Type (to-maxima) to restart, ($quit) to quit Maxima.
MAXIMA> (sin (* pi 7.25))
Is this the same bug?
I have compiled the source for maxima 5.10.0. Is a different lisp
builtin to the source tree?
On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 11/2/06, sen1 at <sen1 at> wrote:
>> plot2d(sin(4*x),[x,0,2*%pi]);
>> produces the expected sine plot, but there is a false short vertical
>> line segment between the numbers 5 and 6.
> Thanks for this report. This appears to be a bug in Clisp:
> (cl:sin (* pi 7.25d0)) => 0.0d0 (oops)
> I've reported it to the Clisp bug tracker.
> Robert Dodier
| Sheldon E. Newhouse | e-mail: sen1 at |
| Mathematics Department | |
| Michigan State University | telephone: 517-355-9684 |
| E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA | FAX: 517-432-1562 |