plot bug in linux

It is difficult to argue with the premise, 

"It is never safe to assume that computer calculations are correct."

However your next comment seems to jump the gun - at least for me,

"In the case of this bug, the mathematics is trivial, so one can simply
ignore the bug."

Ignoring the bug when attempting to find a numerical result could be
very problematic.  The fact that there is a trivial bug points to the
fact that there could easily be other "trivial" bugs, i.e. there could
be times when 1+1=1 etc..  Can this be ignored?  Is this trivial?  At
least for the 2nd problem the answer should be, "no".

If this is to be expected, and Sen I believe this is what you are
telling me.  Then I must forget thinking of Maxima as a program that
will sum correctly simple trig., exp. and other functions together very
nearly without error because this is not what Maxima is - very good.