translation of doc and manuals with po4a


Some time agao, I proposed to coordinate the translation of the
documentation of Maxima that is written as texinfo files that are
parsed to create the online info, the html info, the manuals ...

In order to store all versions in _one_ file in order to keep the
translated documentation synchronized with the original English one,
itself kept synchronized with the code, I consider that the usage of
the gettext suite is a plus, and therefore I have waited for the
proper tools to come up.

I knew that one was in developpement. It is called "PO4A" (see The support for the texinfo format
has recently been added and the developper let me know, as I had asked
him. This tools suite allows to parse the original texinfo formatted
documents and thereafter use the po tools suite (gtranslate, kbabel or
rosetta on or a combinaison of the 3)

I am therefore resuming the translation of Maxima help with the help
of the people who will join the effort.

I also propose to use as much material as possible for the functions
that have not changed from already translated older version of maxima,
from, a work of
Michel Gosse.

As soon as possible, I'll proceed with these tools and distribute the
tasks for the people who would like to help.

I also propose to coordinate the translation on the wiki of the TRADUC

I hoep with this that Maxima will have another language, French,
available usable from within (through its help function) but also some
printable documentation.



PS special thanks to Arnaud who pushed me recently to move on and
proposed his help.

Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at